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Our Services

Workshop Facilitation


Most of our assignments involve a level of traditional classroom training and this is where we typically receive requests for support.


Our trainers are highly skilled facilitators in this environment.



Business Actors

​We can provide professional actors with real business experience to add realism to your role-play excercises or bring your case studies to life.


Our actors can cover roles from junior staff through to C-level executives .




Whether on a one-to-one basis, working with a small group or training Managers to coach we can provide suitable coaches.


Many of our coaches hold recognised coaching accreditations including the International Coaching Federation (ICF).



Localisation Services

Translation & localisation of your training content is an important factor in ensuring that it lands well locally.


Our trainers can work with your content developers on the tailoring & customisation process.



Virtual Delivery

Many of our trainers have experience in delivering virtual instructor-led training (VILT). Virtual delivery requires a very different skill set and knowledge of the various delivery platforms in order to make the training effective in this context.



Train The Trainer

​We often work with clients who want to build their own internal trainer capacity and capability. This can be a cost-effective approach particulary where there are large numbers of delegates to train.


We can provide anything from running an assessment centre through to upskilling your exisiting internal training team on both specific content and in general faciliation skills.

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